Create your DonorsChoose project!

Average project size $450

WHY DOnorsChoose?

The EPS Foundation adopted the DonorsChoose platform to reach thousands of EPS students through classroom projects and to ease the burden of teachers who are making purchases from their own pockets.   DonorsChoose also allows us to leverage support from outside the Edmond community for our schools!  

To date, donors from 48 states have supported Edmond classrooms through DonorsChoose!  We see a 4 to 1 return on our investment using the DonorsChoose platform, which helps us support other programs including mental health, Art in Schools, educator professional development and more!
UPDATE 8/21/23:  
  • The EPS Foundation will kick off the new school year with $100 kickstarter grants beginning 8/27/2023!  Each certified educator is eligible once per year.  These are automated by DonorsChoose software and projects created before this date will not receive the kickstart, but will receive it on their next project.
  • You can create a DonorsChoose project at any time.
  • The average project size that gets fully funded is $450 or less.
  • Teachers Pay Teachers and gift card projects are not eligible for funding per Edmond Public Schools policy
  • Please follow all Edmond Public Schools policies when requesting items from DonorsChoose.
  • 100% of EPS #ONEEDMOND donations go directly to programs like DonorsChoose.  Learn more HERE
  • Be sure to check out the FAQ link at the bottom of the page.


This is where you will send community donors to find all EPS projects, or they can just search your name.  You can also share your project directly with family, friends, parents, and on social media.  Tag @edmondpsf when you share and we will also share your project on our social media platforms.  
Read the FAQ section at the bottom to learn tips we have learned from educators here in Edmond!   You can create a project for almost anything you need for your classroom!  Smart tip:  find an educator in your building that has received a fully funded DonorsChoose project and ask them for help!
Go here to start your project!  As an Edmond Public Schools educator, your project will automatically show up once it is out of the Friend and Family phase.  Anyone can search your project using your name or searching Edmond Public Schools. Watch a tutorial from a fellow EPS educator.
The LIFTOFF promo code is valid if this is your first time using DonorsChoose.  Your citizen donors must enter this code when donating within the first week of you posting your project to receive up to an additional $50!  Refer teachers and get a $25 DonorsChoose gift card.   Check here for other offers.  New promo codes and match offers are added all of the time!
This video by DonorsChoose will provide some helpful tips.
Let a fellow EPS educator walk you through how to set up a project in this 5-minute video.
Watch a highlight video from a DonorsChoose project this past spring.
Letter from EPSF about setting up your project.
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Find answers to EPS educator frequently asked questions.